Our commitment – sustainable action

We set an example.

We are convinced that responsible corporate management goes hand in hand with social commitment and ecological action. We are investing in climate protection and want to operate net zero from 2026. We are therefore consistently implementing numerous measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. We pay attention to the well-being and health of our BOI team. For more than 10 years, we have been donating 10% of our annual profit to social and environmental organizations.

BOI will operate net zero from 2026!

We see it as our duty to minimize our impact on the planet.

We are all facing existential threats from climate change. Only by collectively changing the way we live and do business can we avert the climate catastrophe and thus secure an environment worth living in for ourselves and future generations. We all share the responsibility to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We call for a strong climate policy to enable a socially just transition to a climate-friendly economy and global net zero emissions. However, we are not only calling on governments around the world to do their part, we also want to do ours.

For more than 10 years, we have been taking measures to minimize the environmental impact of our business activities. And - in line with our philosophy of “better organized information” - we want to become even better in our climate protection efforts and, as BOI, actively contribute to achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. For this reason, we have committed to drastically reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and operating at net zero by 2026 at the latest.

We will offset the unavoidable residual amount of emissions with measures to eliminate and permanently store greenhouse gases so that no emissions from our business activities remain in the atmosphere. We want to achieve this goal together - from the management to the individual employees.

Our vision is a world in which climate protection is part of every company. BOI wants to set an example and inspire others to take similar steps. In our Net Zero strategy, you can read how we, as a small IT company, want to achieve our goal.

Learn more

We have been operating as a Climate Alliance company since September 2022.

BGF - Workplace Health Promotion Austria

If the employees thrive, the company thrives!

In spring of 2020, we decided to do even more for the physical and mental health of the BOI team. Therefore, we started a project to promote workplace health. On April 4, 2022, we were awarded the seal of quality for workplace health promotion for the period 2022 to 2024. At the end of 2024, the seal of quality was extended for the period 2025 - 2027.

The Measures

  • Supervision by certified BGF project managers
  • Evaluation of stress, satisfaction, health and resources
  • Health consultations & workshops to develop necessary and appropriate measures
  • Implementation phase (duration approx. 1 year)
  • Second evaluation and reflection
  • Seal of Approval

The Benefits

  • Reduction of individual health risk factors including the risk for chronic diseases and long-term disablement
  • Increase in individual well-being and job satisfaction
  • Improvement of communication structures and working atmosphere
  • Reduction of illness absences
  • Increase in competitive position and market opportunites of the company
  • General increase in efficiency and improvement of the corporate image

The individual health of the employees is an essential factor for a long-term successful, competitive company.

Workplace health promotion is a modern corporate strategy that supports companies in implementing health-promoting measures, for the benefit of the individual employee, but also the company as a whole: satisfied, healthy employees work more efficiently, more motivated and thus, more successfully. Stress-related illness absences, mishaps or occupational accidents can be reduced or completely avoided.

We as BOI believe that this is an opportunity that must not be wasted. Not only because we, as a socially very committed company, have a general focus on our fellow human beings. But also, because change and improvement start with ourselves. We lead by example!

„Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,
and not just the absence of disease and infirmity.“

WHO, 1946

Social commitment

For us, social commitment means sharing economic success with others.

Thus, BOI is a sponsor of "B-O-Ideas - Better Organized Ideas", an Austrian association that supports social and ecological ideas worldwide to make our world a better place for all! For more information about the BOI sponsored association "B-O-Ideas" please visit www.b-o-ideas.com.

Beyond that, BOI donates 10% of the annual profit to non-profit organizations that help to alleviate hardship. In addition to globally active charitable institutions, our support also goes to smaller social initiatives in Austria and abroad

BOI supports the following social organizations and projects:

Make a Difference Nepal

After the devastating earthquake disaster in Nepal in 2015, the Nepalese social non-profit organization Make a Difference Nepal (MDN) was founded - with significant support from BOI - to help the people of Nepal instantly and directly.

Make a Difference Nepal works in the education and health sector, in cooperation with several schools in the Kathmandu valley and in the district of Gorkha, one of the areas hit hardest by the earthquake.

The following aid projects have already been realized:

  • Emergency aid for destroyed schools: Wall panels, securing clean drinking water and water for toilets, etc.
  • Supply of winter clothing and sanitary articles, school material and play materials
  • Workshops on hygiene measures, healthy nutrition, early childhood education

For more information on the work of Make a Difference Nepal, please visit www.mdnepal.org.np or Facebook.

Warm hugs for fireflies, a project from MDN

The MDN project Fireflies (in Nepali: Junkiri) was sponsored by BOI through the association B-O-Ideas. The aim of the project is to provide trainings for students and teachers, and to encourage regular school attendance by the children.

Of course, this is only possible in intensive cooperation with the local teachers. For the firefly project at the Shree Setidevi Adharbhut Vidhyalaya School in Dhadhing District, there are 5 teachers who teach 60 children from poor, disadvantaged families at this elementary school. For these children aged 5-10 years, many different information programs have been carried out in recent years.

Only those who feel comfortable and don´t freeze can learn well.

Therefore, in January 2023, urgently needed warm jackets and hoods were distributed to the children as part of the Warm Hugs project. This was not only to relieve the families financially, but also to make it easier for the children to attend school in the harsh Nepalese winter. The handover of the cosy sweaters and hoods was a great success!

You can find more information about the association “B-O-Ideas” sponsored by BOI at www.b-o-ideas.com.

Laafi - Initiative for Development

Laafi - Initiative for Development has been supporting various health projects in Burkina Faso since 1994 in close cooperation with village communities and local initiatives. In recent years a hospital has been built in the village of Poin and the local hospital in the village of Tiessourou has been completely renovated.Hospitals are in operation, the staff for medical care is provided by the state. A major problem was the supply of electricity as no public electricity supply is available in the remote region.

With the support of BOI, two photovoltaic systems were purchased for Tiessourou and Poin, so medical care for the people is guaranteed any time.

For more information on the work of Laafi - Initiative for Development, please visit  www.laafi.at.

Ute Bock refugee project

The refugee project Ute Bock is a non-profit Austrian association that supports refugees with free counselling and care services. Social worker Ms Ute Bock was the founder of this humanitarian project, her name stands for a humane, respectful and fair asylum policy.

The refugee aid project offers:

  • Social counselling
  • Housing assistance and accommodation
  • Literacy courses and German language courses
  • Work integration

Further information on the work of the Ute Bock refugee project can be found at www.fraubock.at.

Emergency assistance in Jemen by Diakonie Austria

Since July 2019, Diakonie Austria Emergency Aid and local partner organizations support parts of Jemen's population together. From 2015 onwards, the ongoing conflicts have brought immense poverty and hardship to the country. Nearly 80 percent of Jemen's population are in need for humanitarian aid.

Diakonie Austria supports inland expellees as well as households of the marginal group of Muhamasheen by providing them with financial aid. Due to that, 126 households so far can cover their basic needs on food, cooking gas, and sanitary products for six months. Furthermore, Cash for Work projects help members of 335 households to conduct businesses, generate an income and thus, cover their basic needs as well.

For more information about the project, please visit https://katastrophenhilfe.diakonie.at/weltweit-aktiv/jemen

Other aid agencies we have supported so far

  • Médecins sans Frontières provides emergency medical aid in crisis zones and war zones around the world - often under very dangerous circumstances for the aid workers.
  • Caritas helps people in distress regardless of their origin, religion or gender.
  • The Austrian Red Cross is currently supporting the activities of local Red Cross societies in Ethiopia, Yemen, Kenya, Somalia, Southern Sudan and Uganda to alleviate the suffering of people threatened by famine.
  • Jugend Eine Welt - Don Bosco Aktion Österreich works in national and international youth welfare and sustainable development cooperation, it aims to give support and orientation to young people.
  • The umbrella brand Nachbar in Not is a foundation with the eight major Austrian aid organisations and ORF as media partner. Our donation helps in the fight against the hunger disaster in Africa.
  • UNHCR is working worldwide to ensure that people at risk of persecution are granted asylum in other countries.
  • UNICEF Austria works i.a. in the hunger regions of Africa in order to protect children from a vicious circle of acute severe malnutrition and diseases.
  • The Vinzenzgemeinschaft Eggenberg cares for people in Austria who have gone off-course and are therefore living in poverty - drug and alcohol addicts, the homeless, people released from prison, beggars and many more.