JTC – The unique Java cache for tables
The fastest Java middleware for your IT system architecture.
JTC is a unique in-memory Java cache. JTC extends the concept of the key-value store to the use of tables – independent of the complexity and limitations of an in-memory database. JTC provides the world‘s fastest Java access to table data.
JTC: Fast and flexible
JTC is the convenient complete solution for the implementation of a table-based in-memory Java Table Cache. JTC convinces with its innovative and user-friendly technology when the limitations of the key-value store are hindering and an in-memory database is too complex.
JTC tables can be structured flexibly – and thus offer great advantages for your daily business processes. JTC is multi-client capable and offers a wide range of possible applications: from the implementation of different specialist areas to the realisation of different environments, e.g. development, testing, production. JTC is distinctly different from all other cache solutions available on the market.
Advantages and benefits of JTC
JTC searches faster than any in-memory database.
Take advantage of the world‘s fastest Java access: JTCs innovative technology provides your applications with tables for high-performance Java read access. You can also define derived index tables with a different sort sequence. This enables JTC to process data faster than any other in-memory database – e.g. up to 40 times faster than the in-memory database H2.
JTC can be updated by your applications.
It's up to you how you update your tables: You can either load tables from different databases into JTC, create tables with required table structures directly in JTC or write table data directly from your applications into the Java Table Cache using the configurable JTC write-API. Thus, your data is always available for access at maximum speed.
JTC saves a lot of programming effort through an intuitive API.
Enjoy the convenience: JTC provides the entire query logic for finding and returning the searched values or value ranges from tables. The intuitive API, specialized for high-performance access, makes data search in tables simple and convenient.
JTC is the worldwide unique multi-client Java cache.
Use several independent data spaces on the same server: JTC is multi-client capable, installation and maintenance can be done centrally. Cross-client data and configurations have to be stored, maintained and managed only once. These clients can be perfectly configured for your organizational structure: Disjoint units that have neither users nor data in common are possible as well as instances with overlap, such as shared users, databases or common authorizations.
JTC is a bi-temporal in-memory store.
Define different versions of your tables and their validity period. JTC automatically searches for the valid table version for the timeframe that you have specified, and returns the data that is valid at the effective date. Snapshots ensure that data access is consistent over time and across tables.
JTC guarantees absolute security for your data.
The entire dataset of the Java Table Cache can be saved in a database of your choice – automatically and in time intervals freely configurable by you. In addition, JTC permanently keeps a backup copy of all data on the hard disk. A warm start is thus possible at any time.
Test JTC free of charge.
JTC in comparison with key-value store und in-memory database
Advertising is silver – facts are gold: We have entered JTC in the race against key-value store and in-memory database.
You can find a summary of the most important values in our product sheet.
Are you interested in JTC?
We are constantly developing JTC, also based on customer requests.
Do you have a special usage scenario for our unique Java table cache?
We would be happy to discuss the optimal tailor-made use of JTC within your IT architecture.